- Tout ce trouble là, pour ça !!!
- The Hockey News avait classé Logan Mailloux 45e...
"The lack of high-level hockey the past two seasons will undoubtedly affect his development curve, particularly on the defensive side of the game".
As one NHL scout said, Mailloux didn’t have to play defense in Jr. B because he had the puck all the time. “If you’re willing to risk a first-round pick, if you don’t mind striking out trying to hit a home run, he might be a guy you’d consider taking,” said one scout. “Some team will take a flyer on him. There’s work to be done, but the physical tools are there.”
- WOW...
- Scott Morrow, Daniil Chayka, Francesco Pinelli, Nikita Chibrikov, Matthew Knies, Aatu Raty...
- Étaient tous disponibles pour Montréal en première ronde...