- La LNH aime ça compliqué en TA...
- Les équipes éliminées vont avoir une chance pour le premier choix total...
"Draft Lottery will be on June 26th, will determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall and will have the same odds as last season.
15 teams will take part in the draft lottery, the 7 eliminated teams and the 8 teams that lose in the Stanley Cup Play-ins, which will not be determined come lottery time and will be assigned a letter from A-H.
If any of the bottom 7 teams win any of the three lotteries they will pick in that spot. If any of the play-in teams win any of the three lotteries that pick will move on to a Phase 2 lottery.
If all three lotteries are won by a bottom 7 team then a Phase 2 lottery will not take place.
Once the top three picks are determined the final 12 picks will be determined by inverse order of the standings at the time the season was put on hold".
- Avec une coupe pas mal moins excitante cette année...
- C'est clair que plusieurs équipes vont vouloir perdre au premier tour...