Cole Caufield traite Utica de

Cole Caufield traite Utica de "PAS DE CLASSE"

Par André Soueidan le 2021-11-11

- Cole Caufield traite Utica de "PAS DE CLASSE"

"To be honest, I don’t really know, I kind of just kind of wiped it under the table, I didn’t really get affected by it or anything. I thought it was pretty selfish of them and classless. It’s behind us, it’s not something I can control. It’s not really that big of a deal. I just don’t think they should do that to anybody. It’s not really professional. And for me, personally, I kind of just read it and kind of let it go. It’s not something I really care for".

- BOOM...Bien dit...

- ET...

- En plus, le président de l'équipe a dit qu'il avait appelé Cole pour s'excuser...

- MAIS...

- Le KID a confirmé, que ce n'est même pas vrai...

- Beau CROSSEUR...

Cole Caufield traite Utica de